You do not believe you have sufficient assets to justify having a will. You may be unfamiliar with the process. You believe that your property will be distributed by law generally in accordance with your wishes.
Stop. Without a will, you are leaving critical issues such as family support, distribution timing, guardianship and estate tax saving to an inflexible system dictated by state statutes. Avoiding conflicts is the main reason why you want a last will and testament that:
- Designates who will inherit your property upon your death
- Designates the person you wish to serve as the guardian of your children
- Designates the person you wish to be the “executor” of your will
- Does not allow your property to “escheat” to the state if no relatives survive you
- States the unique desires or wishes you have in the event of your death.
Making a will is not legally required. However, making a will is necessary if you want to have your say in who gets your property and who raises your children. Jason L. Pintar attorneys are here to help you through the process.